NASA said that its planet hunter satellite TESS discovered an Earth-sized planet within the habitable range of its star, which could allow the presence of liquid water. Named “TOI 700 d”, the planet is relatively close to Earth — only 100 light years away. Star TOI 700 is small, about 40 percent of our Sun’s size and only about half as hot.
‘Inshallah’, an Arabic word can also be considered a German word now as it has been recognised as an official word by Germany’s most authentic dictionary, Duden. It is spelled as “inschallah” in the dictionary and currently appears in its digital version. ‘Inhsallah’, meaning ‘if Allah wills’ is popularly used by Muslims throughout the world when speaking of a future event.
Karachi is the 6th most affordable city in the world, according to an annual report of the Worldwide Cost of living. The report was published by Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The cities are ranked by comparing prices of 160 essential commodities to compile a ranking including food, drink, clothing, education, recreational costs etc.
During a wedding in Dera Ghazi Khan, the brother of the groom showered mobile phones and money on the people at the wedding. As the barat made its way towards the destination, money and phones tricked down from the top of the truck to everyone who was surrounding the vehicle. It was said that the groom’s brother kept on showering money and phones for about half an hour.
As Boeing is mired in controversies after two fatal crashes involving its 737 Max 8, Airbus becomes world’s biggest aircraft company. For the first time since 2011, Airbus has managed to defeat Boeing as it delivered 863 aircraft in 2019. US aerospace giant set its delivery target at 860 aircraft. However, it deployed extra resources to go beyond its revised target. Of the total 863 aircraft, 640 are single-aisle-aircraft.
2020 has brought the latest wave of cold weather for Karachi as the mercury dropped to a record low today. Pakistan Meteorological Department’s Director, Sardar Sarfraz, said that Wednesday observed the lowest temperature for this season. He said that the current cold wave is expected to last for another four to five days with the temperature dropping to 8 degrees celsius in the port city.
Meteorological Department (PMD) recorded temperatures as low as 2°C in Lahore, this temperature was last recorded 35 years ago. According Muhammad Riaz, Chief Meteorologist, the cold weather spell will prevail until mid-January. He also added that although climate change has some impact on weather patterns, there is nothing unusual. The coldest winter spell is witnessed from mid-December to mid-January every year.
Mannequins dressed up as traffic officers are being placed at major road intersections in India in the hope they will prompt drivers to observe the rules. With eight million cars plying the notoriously busy roads in a tech hub renowned for its traffic snarls, police say they don’t have enough officers to man all the junctions. The idea is to increase compliance, not to scare anyone, according to a city police commissioner.
Parked in the corner of a small community park in Lahore’s Gulberg, the Alif Laila Book Bus is a safe haven for readers and an entry into the world of imagination. Upon entering into the double-decker bus, you’re greeted by its ‘driver’: a stuffed toy behind the steering wheel. The library is colourful, with shelves full of books. Cushions and rugs are spread across the bus.
Four robbers tried to enter a house in Karachi’s Baloch Colony on Saturday using a plate of biryani. One of the robbers had knocked on the gate with a plate of biryani in his hand. He impersonated himself as one of the neighbours. The owner of the house took the biryani plate from him and closed the gate.