Recently, a picture with details of a female cab driver offering pick and drop services in Karachi, took rounds on social media. The courageous woman turns out to be, Haya Faisal, a single mother of four daughters, looking to pave way for the livelihood of her family through her perseverance. She offers the services for women and families of Karachi.
Haya was married at the age of 17 and only had a car at her disposal when her husband left for Lahore, to never come back. Initially, Haya used to rent the car out to earn money. However, many people tried to cheat her and after suffering for long she decided to learn to drive and started a pick and drop service.
Haya’s hard work has paid off with time and with her resolve she wants to teach her daughters the importance of being empowered. We wish Haya the best of luck!
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