Benjamin Ahmed makes £290,000 by selling pixelated digital whale emojis as NFT

London-based teen Benjamin Ahmed has made approximately £290,000 (Rs 2,93,38,798) by selling his pixelated emoji whale collection, called Weird Whales, as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The 12-year-old Ahmed decided to keep his profits from selling his collection in a currency called Ethereum. Benjamin Ahmed has been a coding enthusiast since the age of five.

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It cost $300 for him to set up the project, which was the amount charged by blockchains to verify every NFT. Using pixel art to design whales, Ahmed made a collection with backgrounds, eye accessories, headgears, mouth accessories, and bases. Moreover, he used an open-source Python script to generate 3,350 unique digital collectibles programmatically.

Source: Mirror