An upcoming amusement park Gundam Factory Yokohama in Japan has created an 18-meter (60-foot) life-sized replica of the RX-78 mecha (crewed) Gundam robot from various anime TV series and manga. Back in July, the robot took its first tentative steps along the road to being fully functional. During that test it appears no weight was put on the legs of the robot, which has now been rectified in a new test.
Japanese trend-setters can now protect against the coronavirus in luxurious style with opulent masks adorned with diamonds and pearls for a cool million yen ($9,600) each. Cox Co’s chain began selling the hand-made masks last week, with the aim of cheering up people and spurring sales in a fashion industry depressed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Newly reopened theme parks in Japan are asking riders not to scream on roller coasters. The recommendation against screaming — along with use of masks — is included in guidelines issued by the country’s theme-parks associations as a means of preventing the spread of the coronavirus, and most parks are following suit. Parkgoers have been struggling to comply with the no-screaming requirement.
Hamako Mori is a 90-year-old Japanese woman who has been awing the YouTube community with her gaming skills since 2015. Her name is also registered in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s oldest YouTube gamer. Mori has been gaming for 39 years and her channel “Gamer Grandma” has over 270,000 YouTube subscribers where she posts a video every week.
Japan has invited foreigners to apply for over 350,000 jobs in the country. The East Asian country has placed Pakistan among the top 10 preferred countries owing to the relationship between the two countries, the Japanese Ambassador said in Islamabad this week. The job opportunities have been created as Japan is facing a shortage of young human resources as the number of elderly people is increasing day by day.
In order to extend maximum hospitality to Muslims, a Tokyo sports and cultural events organisation has launched initiative of Moving Mosques. A white and blue coloured 25-tonne truck that opens from back and doubles in width from side, will create enough room for 50 Muslims to pray. It also has a washing section where taps are positioned for cleansing purposes.