According to the United Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 rankings, Pakistan ranked 154th among 189 countries. Previously, HDI rankings were measured by combining indicators of health, education, and standards of living. This year, the development index included ‘a nation’s carbon dioxide emissions’ and ‘material footprint that put enormous strain on the planet’. The United States stood 17th in the rankings.
Meanwhile, among neighboring South Asian countries, India ranked 131st on ‘planetary pressures-adjusted’ HDI, Bangladesh, 133, Sri Lanka, 72, Maldives, 95, Nepal, 142, and Bhutan, 129. Up north, Oil-rich Norway, Ireland, Hong Kong (China), Iceland, and Germany led the rankings. Among African countries, Niger, the Central African Republic, Chad, South Sudan, and Burundi have the lowest HDI scores.
Source: ProPakistani

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