The Punjab government has removed several senior officers following the horrific assault on the TikToker in Lahore’s Greater Iqbal Park. DIG Operations Sajid Kayani, SSP Operations Syed Nadeem Abbas, and Additional SP Operations Hassan Jahangir were removed from their posts. Meanwhile, DSP Badami Bagh Usman Haider and SHO Lorry Adda Mohammad Jamil were suspended.
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The action was taken for failing to respond in time to a public assault at Minar-e-Pakistan Independence Day in Lahore. Chief Minister Usman Buzdar presides over a meeting to evaluate the progress so far in the investigation. Furthermore, IG Punjab Inam Ghani presented a report that also examined the role of the police officers. Additionally, the provincial government has suspended the projector director and deputy director of the Greater Iqbal Park.
Source: Geo News