‘World’s most picturesque’ cricket stadium in Gwadar holds first star-studded match

Gwadar Cricket Stadium, being dubbed as the “world’s most beautiful cricket stadium” by the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (HRD), held an exhibition match on Friday. The match was held between Gwadar Dolphins, captained by PM’s aide Zulfiqar Bukhari, and Showbiz Sharks, which is being led by Pakistan Cricket Board’s Chief Executive Wasim Khan.

British High Commissioner Christian Turner officiated the toss. While, stars including Fakhr-i-Alam, Ali Zafar and Aijaaz Aslam also participated in the match.

Players say special prayers for celebrated mountaineer Mohammad Ali Sadpara before the match. — Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and HRD Twitter account

The match was dedicated to mountaineer Mohammad Ali Sadpara, who was recently declared dead more than a week after he went missing on K2 during an expedition. The players also said a prayer for the celebrated mountaineer before the match.

Source: Dawn