Two Pakistani women, Asia Jamil and Tabassum Adnan, have succeeded in making their place in the list of ten finalists for the inaugural Women Building Peace Award announced by the US Institute of Peace (USIP). The award recognizes the vital role of women who are working in fragile or conflict-affected countries in pursuit of peace and preventing violent conflict.
Asia Jamil is a Pakistani human rights defender, feminist activist and founding member of the nonprofit Professional Development Organization whose dedication to peacebuilding is remarkable. Working in the Newly Merged Districts of Pakistan is one of the most challenging locations in her country. Despite receiving threats from the Taliban in the region, she fearlessly continues her work on nonviolence.
Tabassum Adnan is a committed, longtime advocate for justice, accountability, and peace in Pakistan. She established the first women’s jirga in Pakistan to provide women in the country with justice, accountability, and peace. Moreover, she was the first woman to attend a male jirga, a traditional assembly of leaders that make decisions by consensus. Tabassum has earned the respect of the most influential male powerbrokers in her community, a remarkable testament to her leadership and impact.
USIP will announce the first recipient of the $10,000 award during a virtual ceremony on September 15.
Source: The News

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