A design that reconfigures airplane cabins with double-decker lie-flat seats in premium economy is being touted as a possible solution for fliers looking for more protection from the spread of Covid-19. Zephyr Seat is the vision of designer Jeffrey O’Neill, who reckons the isolation from fellow passengers that his creation will offer could be a game changer in the wake of the pandemic.
With Zephyr Seat, airlines could provide double-decker seating in a 2-4-2 configuration which, O’Neill says, would allow the majority of global airlines to maintain the same seating density as offered by their existing premium economy cabins.
Zephyr’s double-decker concept utilizes the space that exists between a standard seat and an overhead bin. “So it’s essentially two levels, it’s not as tall off the ground as people might imagine, it’s only four and a half feet off the ground from the entry point to the lower seat to the upper seat.”
The result, O’Neill says, is more passenger leg room without the airline being forced to sacrifice space or reduce passenger headcount.He presented the idea to airline executives at the 2019 Airline Interiors Expo at Hamburg, Germany — and said got some valuable feedback on how to make the seat a feasible option for the mid-range aviation market.
The next stage would be passing the product through the required safety tests, which could be a three-year process.
Source: CNN
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