80% Pakistanis believe coronavirus ‘under control’, no need be cautious: Gallup

Eighty percent of Pakistanis say the coronavirus pandemic is now under control and taking precautions is unnecessary, according to a survey by the pollster Gallup Pakistan.  Since numbers have slowed down considerably since June, “70% Pakistanis now consider the threat from coronavirus to be exaggerated.” The survey said 6 in 10 Pakistanis said COVID-19 was a laboratory-made virus.

“Sweeping majority close to 80% feel COVID-19 is now under control implying that fear has subsided and need for continued precautions is superfluous,” Gallup said in its latest survey results. 8 in 10 Pakistanis said its threat was exaggerated and government numbers were not to be believed.

Since March, there was a 32 percent rise in the proportion of Pakistanis who believed COVID-19 was a “foreign conspiracy.” Nearly 3 in 5 Pakistanis said they were taking precautions but were unsure if the coronavirus was “real”.

Source: Arab News PK