Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry slapped anchorperson Mubashir Luqman during the wedding ceremony of Punjab Irrigation Minister Mohisn Laghari’s son in Lahore. A heated exchange took place between Chaudhry and Luqman during a conversation which led to the minister slapping the anchorperson, according to the sources. However, PTI leaders at the ceremony intervened and took them aside.
Foreign Minister for Science and Technology, Fawad Chaudhry, has invited Tesla’s owner, Elon Musk, to establish a car plant in Pakistan. Chaudhry invited Elon after the billionaire’s company shared its goal of producing half a million electric vehicles in its upcoming factory near Berlin. The minister in his attempt to convince the company’s owner mentioned some benefits regarding exports as well as customs.
In a latest development, Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry has announced that Pakistan will send its “first person to space” in 2022. In a Tweet, the minister said that selection process shall begin from February 2020. Starting with 50 pilots, the list will come down to 25 and finally one will be selected to carry out the mission.
The Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Ch in a Twitter post has said that religious clerics are the biggest threat to Pakistan. In his tweeter post, the sci-tech minister wrote that people from all sects should perform jihad against this attitude of Molvis, as 75% of our country’s problem arise due to such clerics.
In a wedding event at Faisalabad, Federal Minister for Science and Technology slapped and cursed BOL TV anchor Sami Ibrahim after a heated argument. Already the two were involved in battle of words on twitter. Apparently, Chaudhary was being blackmailed after he refused to give Rs. 200 million worth of adverts to Sami for BOL, when Fawad was information minister.