#BanNidaYasir has been trending on twitter, while many call PEMRA to ban Nida Yasir’s show after a recent controversial episode of Good Morning Pakistan aired on ARY Digital. In the episode, Nida can be seen interviewing parents of 5 year old, Marwah, who was raped and murdered. Nida claims the interrogation is to make other parents aware, however the public believes it is only to gain rating.
The already traumatized parents were put on the spot and were asked to tell every minute little detail about how their child disappeared and how they felt when they found out what happened to her. Despite realizing that her questions were disturbing for the parents, the show host continued asking for horrific details, to the extent that the mother of the victim burst into uncontrollable crying.
The morning show host is not new to controversy. She’s been accused of asking insensitive questions before just for the sake of higher rating. However, this time around everyone believes that she has crossed the line.
Source: Naya Daur

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