Pakistani teenagers develop world’s first game to help fight Covid-19

Two self-taught Pakistani teenagers have developed the world’s first multi-platform game to help fight Covid-19 pandemic. STOP the SPREAD—developed by 13-year-old Nabhan and 14-year-old Kenan— will help bust myths and apply behavioural changes to embrace the “new normal” in an experiential learning simulation game. The kids started working on the game in February 2020, and released it online on April 4, 2020.

The game has a total of six levels and in order to reach the final stage of endless gaming, one has to learn the facts, bust the myths and learn about preventions and precautions.

Both Nabhan and Kenan have never been to any school, neither home-schooled. From basic literacy to numeracy, coding, design, animation and design thinking, the duo taught themselves since childhood to date.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) also encourages people to play video games to prevent the spread of the disease which has so far claimed over 435,000 lives and infected more than eight million.

Source: Express Tribune