Pakistan can never recognise Israel until Palestinians are given justice: PM Imran

Prime Minister Imran Khan has categorically rejected any possibility that Pakistan can establish relations with Israel after it signed a historic deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to normalise bilateral ties. In an interview with a private news channel, the premier said accepting the state of Israel is equivalent to give up Pakistan’s stance on Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

“Our stance is very clear from day one and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said Pakistan can never accept state of Israel until the people of Palestine get rights and state,” he said

“The case of Palestinians is similar to people of Kashmir and their [Palestinians] rights have been snatched and they have been suffering Israeli atrocities.”

Last week, Israel and the UAE had reached a historic deal that would lead to a full normalisation of diplomatic relations between the two Middle Eastern nations in an agreement that US President Donald Trump helped broker.

Under the agreement, Israel has agreed to suspend applying sovereignty to areas of the West Bank that it has been discussing annexing, senior White House officials told Reuters.

Source: The News