Opposition parties jointly demand PM Imran’s resignation

Major opposition parties on Sunday came together and announced lthe launching of a three-phased anti-government movement, demanding resignation of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Giving a formal shape to their alliance with the name of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), the opposition parties will start with countrywide public meetings next month, protest demonstrations and rallies in December and a “decisive long march” towards Islamabad in January 2021.

Briefing reporters at the conclusion of more than eight-hour-long PPP-hosted multi-party conference (MPC) which was also addressed by deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif and former president Asif Ali Zardari through video link, the opposition leaders announced that they would use all political and democratic options, including no-confidence motions and en mass resignations from parliament, to seek “the selected prime minister’s resignation and an end to the role of the establishment in politics”.

Source: Dawn