Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar has announced that 262 pilots would be barred from flying because of ‘dubious’ credentials. The pilots in the line of fire include 141 from Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), 10 from Serene Airline and nine from Air Blue. Others belong to flying clubs or chartered plane services. In total, there are 860 pilots in the country, 753 pilots serving locally and 107 in foreign ones.
Of the total number of pilots, 121 were suspected of faking one test result — someone else gave their exam. He added that 49 were suspected of faking two, 21 of faking three, 15 of faking four, 11 of faking five, 11 of faking six, 10 of faking seven, and 34 of faking eight papers, bringing their number to 262.
Source: Express Tribune

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